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Award Winning documentary and commercial editor based in Vancouver BC.

Born and raised in Montreal and film educated in Toronto, I've been using Premiere since I had the 2008 version on a CD rom. Since then, I've taken quite a liking to being handed hours of raw footage to craft as perfect a story as reality allows.

In 2023, a short film I cut and finished "Ruth" was nominated for Best Editing and Best Film  (and won Best Cinematography) from The Art Of Documentary One Day Doc Contest, an international documentary competition, competing against over 140 films worldwide. Another short wildlife film "Elephant Warriors" that I completed all post production for, continues to amass awards for Best Short Documentary and the like on the festival circuit in 2024. 

On the commercial side, I've had some really awesome opportunities to work on story-driven branded content campaigns for some local brands like BC Children's Hospital, MetroVancouver and the University of British Columbia!

Lastly I'm a huge nerd about all things post including Colour Grading, Sound Editing/Mixing and Photo Editing, so anything I cut can get a top-notch level of polish.

I also take some nice pictures!

Let's chat!

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